
omnioutliner 3 beta

I've been trying the new OmniOutliner 3 beta and I am impressed!

For those who aren't aware, OmniOutliner is an outlining tool. Outlining tools let you store hierarchical lists of information. Each row can have a status (done, not done) as well as a title and descriptive notes. OmniOutliner goes beyond most Outliners in that you can also have additional columns associated with every entry, and these can be anything you like! They could be due date, approval status, author, price, etc.

OmniOutliner 3 now supports attachments (either linked or embedded). This is great. I've been planning a trip and I can drag maps from web pages into my trip planning outline. How cool is that? I can store web links to useful websites (such as info on Seattle, where I am going), and embed videos within my outline.

Of course, the beta is free to use until January 20. After that I suspect I'll end up paying for the final product. I am already beginning to find myself using it to keep my work-day organized.

And I've already found a minor bug. So I'm gonna report it... after all, if I'm going to be paying for this app I may as well make sure it is bug-free!

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