
Short day

After our late night last night watching movies with Brock, we got up late and lounged around the apartment until the housekeeping lady kicked us out so she could vacuum, change linens and rifle through our stuff (just kidding!). Our first plan was to go to the IMAX theatre and see the Mt St Helens movie.

We rushed madly across town on foot and made it there just in time. While the documentary itself was interesting, it wasn't very exciting... no lava, no flames, just lots of ash and smoke and devastation post-facto. Oh well. After seeing the movie we decided not to waste a whole day driving out to see the real thing.

However, we have just found out that Snoqualmie has had an unexpected amount of snow... so we might try to get out there for some skiing!

Anyway, the afternoon was spent walking across town to visit the Public Library (an impressive piece of modern architecture) and Pioneer Square and Occidental Park, which are historic landmarks.

The evening was another interesting experience. We returned to Seattle International Church for a very charismatic and spiritual service. Very different from our church back in Perth, let me assure you! But these people are filled with an energy and enthusiasm that is encouraging and inspiring and it has been wonderful to meet and worship God with them.

And now... sleep. Diana, of course, is already asleep. After the dishes, I will be too.

PS. It was a sunny, beautiful day today. No rain! But the lady on the news forecast "Rain, Wind, Sun... Repeat" for the next 5 days. hehehe

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