
embracing 30

So I turned 30 today, and for a change to mark the occasion I had a big party with a whole bunch of friends and family. Firstly, let me just say a HUGE thank you to Diana and her family and my family for their contributions in making this an AWESOME day. I had a great time, and I really enjoyed spending my birthday with so many friends and family, enjoying great food and conversation!

Everyone wanted to see Ryan, of course, and he got handed around as much as possible. He is a really popular kid! And, as I told everyone, he is a big kid too! 7.70kg - which, for his age is in the 94th percentile!!! Should I be disappointed that there are 6% of kids his age who are even bigger than he is?

Anyway, I'm a very happy guy, truly blessed (by God) and grateful for everything. Thanks to everyone for their awesome gifts (both useful and cool!).

Peace out. :)

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