
Happy Birthday Ryan!

Happy Birthday!, originally uploaded by ntt.

Yesterday was Ryan's first birthday!

It has really been an amazing year. We are so blessed with Ryan as our son. He is the cutest kid ever (in my eyes) and his constant upgrades (6 teeth now! standing! saying 'car'!) make him consistently amazing to me.

Parenting, as a whole, has been just as rewarding as I had hoped, but also harder than I had suspected. Obviously I'm not in a position to recommend it to anyone because it all depends on the couple and the child - and I've had a good time purely because I have a great wife and a great kid. *grin*

And its all so biblical! God is our Father. And the love I have for Ryan - when he has done absolutely nothing to earn or deserve it - is immeasurable... that's fatherly love for you! There's wisdom in that, I reckon.

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