
Productivity resumed!

Bus adventure: we caught some local buses out north across Lake Union to get Diana to BSF (Bible Study Fellowship) at 9.10am. Diana attends BSF in Perth, and after today's intro she'll be attending once a week in Seattle too!

While Diana was in BSF I sat in the foyer (its a women's only study) and got my coding environment setup properly to resume my Java/Cocoa programming. The frustrating part was that while my code was fine, the development tool (XCode) had gotten corrupt somehow and was trying to reference files in the wrong directory. Argh. I eventually created a new project and copied my code across. Victory!

Went to prayer at Seattle International Church tonight, too. That was cool... a very spiritual church.

Factoid: 94% fat free popcorn is still 6% fat.

Factoid 2: Seattle is the most un-churched city in the USA.

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